Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week 16

      Hey everyone, just thought you would like an update.  I went to the doctor on Thursday.  Took my two year old with me and boy was she cranky!  Anyways the doctor is so not happy with me, I guess my iron is a little low, as in its 11.2 and he wants 11.5.  So he said in addition to my prenatal, i also need to take a daily vitamin like a Flintstones chew-able or gummy.  I hate taking medicine but its not for me its for the baby so I will.  Dr. S also asked if I was feeling all kinds of movement from the little one, when I said "no" he looked a little worried even after I explained that it is normal for me to feel movement late. Guess I just need serious kicks and hits for it to register.  He quickly brought out the Doppler and searched my stomach.  I say again I was not in the least bit worried but he was starting to look a bit concerned until he located the heartbeat. Dead center of my uterus. Strong heartbeat of 150.  He promptly relaxed. 

       Had a very busy last couple of days, Thursday was the Doctor appointment and tons of Christmas shopping, Friday was a hectic morning.  My husband got our 7 year old up and ready for school.  Then took him to the bus stop and had him wait in the car until the bus came. Well, it came but took off before he even got out of the car.  Dad had to go to work so guess who got to get up, wait for about 20 minutes to leave and drive 15 minutes to his school.... this lady!!  Now, he also had a Christmas concert at 11 so I was not very excited to be making this trek twice.  Imagine my joy when i received a phone call at 8:50 from his teacher to inform me the concert is over and school is out at 11 but the concert starts at 9:30. I had to inhale my bagel, get the little one dressed and ready, and out the door by no later than 9:15.  So at 9:20 we were in the car me frustrated to be making this drive again so soon, and Kinsley crying in the backseat because she dearly hates being rushed.  We made it on time (barely) and it was a good performance.  After that we went to the mall and had the kids pictures taken with Santa.

       Saturday was mainly spent cleaning, wrapping presents, and getting ready for the first of our church's' four identical Christmas Eve services.  It was amazing!  So beautiful and moving I cried.

      Now on to the baby stats....

How far along: 16 weeks today
Total weight gain: 4 lbs.  The Doctor said he is happy with between four and six pounds a month so I am right on target
Maternity clothes: Still a mix and match situation but more maternity pants and leggings these days.  I can still fit in some of my regular pants but its getting pretty uncomfortable.
Stretch marks: Nope (lets keep it that way)!
Sleep: If I could I think I would sleep in until at least 9:30. My sleep is becoming less interrupted. I personally think it is because I told Dr. S about my reoccurring dream about squishing the baby.  He looked right at me and said "If it were that easy, the human race would have ceased to exist long ago, they are tougher than that".
Best moment: After reading the milestones of this week I informed everyone that would listen, that the baby can now hear whats going on. All the girls in the small group I help out in were talking to my belly!  It really freaked out the other kids that did not know I was pregnant.  They are already claiming "Auntie" status.
Movement: Last night at church service I felt the baby move, for sure.  Since then this little one has been moving and kicking up a storm! So much fun to feel these little movements.
Food craving: Nothing strange this week.  Business as usual.
Symptoms: Still ridiculously congested, but other than that and being tired, I am starting to feel like myself again.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: Mainly smells and talking about anything gross.
Labor signs: Nope.
Temperament: Normalizing, still a little crabby but not as bad as the last few weeks.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week 15

How far along: 15 weeks today!
Total weight gain: Unsure, I'm honestly afraid of the scale. Last weigh in at the Dr in November, i had lost weight. Went from 150 to 147.
Maternity clothes: Kind of a mix and match deal. Regular shirts and regular unbuttoned pants. My maternity pants feel good on the tummy but are so loose everywhere else. Love my yoga pants, wish i could move in to those and  leggings!
Stretch marks: Not so far, got my only stretch marks from pregnancy one. Pregnancy two did not add any more, hoping for the same outcome this time around.
Sleep: Horrible, I keep tossing and turning. My poor husband feels like he is sleeping next to a tornado! I keep dreaming i squished the baby because i sleep on my stomach. So every time i wake up on my stomach, I get a little freaked out. Thankfully no late night bathroom sessions but i have been waking up with a horrible dry mouth.
Best moment: It would have to be the fact that I'm starting to look pregnant not just chubby! So much fun when my 7 year old looks at my tummy and says "Wow mom, You really look like you have a baby in there".
Movement: The Dr told me at the last appointment (11 weeks) that because this is my third pregnancy, I should start feeling movement around 14 weeks or so. I have a tendency to carry pretty far in and that is great for my waistline but not so much for feeling movement. Which means the "little flutters" are not something I feel. Possibly felt one or two tiny kicks or movements but not 100% sure.
Food cravings: It changes almost daily, but for the last week or so i have eaten a bowl of rainbow sherbet almost every night.
Symptoms: So congested! I have a bit of a cold with a cough and every time i have a coughing fit, there is a good chance i need to find the nearest bathroom. Along with the congestion is the chapped lips from sleeping with my mouth open for air (gross, I hate mouth breathing).
Anything making me nauseous or sick: The aforementioned coughing fits, along with any conversation regarding food past its prime or people dipping their fried chicken in a chocolate fountain (thanks Alisha). Also found out yesterday if the dog gets sick where I can witness it, I also find myself gagging.
Labor signs: Nope
Temperament: I thought I was controlling these hormones rather well until my husband asked my son, "do you know whats crazy?" He replied "moms hormones". Nothing like a 7 year old keeping you in check!