Saturday, April 6, 2013

31 Weeks

How far along: 31 weeks
Total weight gain: Umm 29lbs. In my defense I only gained 3lbs between Doctor visits which is right on
Maternity clothes: Still in either maternity pants or jammies. I also made two skirts which can be either maternity or non maternity :)
Stretch marks: No. Yea!
Sleep: Broken as always. Guess its God's way of preparing me for the broken sleep I will have in a few short weeks. Although in all fairness, being completely rested seems a better plan than being tired right out of the gate.
Best moment: Realizing that given my history of delivering at 37 weeks, there is a very good possibility that in just 6 short weeks, Mr. Kamden will be making his debut! Wow, this pregnancy has gone by lightening quick. Better get busy on getting everything together for him.
Movement: Practically nonstop. This kid is ridiculous! Even as I am typing this, he is kicking the part of the laptop resting on my belly.
Food cravings: These last few weeks I have been craving liquid like non other. I feel like a fish. Just about everything is fair game. As for food, the Whiskey River BBQ burger at Red Robin. It's stupid good!
Symptoms: Incredible pain where the top of my belly and the bottom of my bra collide. Talk about constant pain. It feels as though I have a bruise and constantly being pushed on.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: Stupid orange juice. I love juice in general but I have to read ingredients because if an orange even looked at the bottle I'm getting sick.
Temperament: Feeling good, outside of the sleep deprivation and upper belly pain. I will miss it (barely) when its over.

     This last Doctors visit was ok, glad I gained only 3lbs. from now on I should only gain 1 pound per week. They were looking over my chart and decided I should probably get a Tdap shot so Kam will have my antibodies in his system when he was born. I am all for taking any and all pain so my little ones don't have to, so I got shot in the arm. What they neglected to tell me was for the next 4 days my arm would be basically useless and in quite a bit of pain if I raised it or laid on it. Another wonderful contributing factor to my not so restful nights. Oh well, one less shot for Kam right?
     Well goodnight y'all I'm tired and figure if i go to sleep now, I should manage a few hours of good sleep and a few of crap sleep... yea....


  1. Well well well it's finally here an update an update let's all cheer its nice to see that all is well at least as far as we can tell so now how long we gotta wait before we can get another update luv dad

  2. Well here we are waiting from afar wondering when the update will begin i know one's a comin i'm just not sure when not crossin my toes or even fingers cause that would be for beginners not our first time so might as well have a beer really don't want to hate would just like more frequent updates luv ya dad
