Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week 15

How far along: 15 weeks today!
Total weight gain: Unsure, I'm honestly afraid of the scale. Last weigh in at the Dr in November, i had lost weight. Went from 150 to 147.
Maternity clothes: Kind of a mix and match deal. Regular shirts and regular unbuttoned pants. My maternity pants feel good on the tummy but are so loose everywhere else. Love my yoga pants, wish i could move in to those and  leggings!
Stretch marks: Not so far, got my only stretch marks from pregnancy one. Pregnancy two did not add any more, hoping for the same outcome this time around.
Sleep: Horrible, I keep tossing and turning. My poor husband feels like he is sleeping next to a tornado! I keep dreaming i squished the baby because i sleep on my stomach. So every time i wake up on my stomach, I get a little freaked out. Thankfully no late night bathroom sessions but i have been waking up with a horrible dry mouth.
Best moment: It would have to be the fact that I'm starting to look pregnant not just chubby! So much fun when my 7 year old looks at my tummy and says "Wow mom, You really look like you have a baby in there".
Movement: The Dr told me at the last appointment (11 weeks) that because this is my third pregnancy, I should start feeling movement around 14 weeks or so. I have a tendency to carry pretty far in and that is great for my waistline but not so much for feeling movement. Which means the "little flutters" are not something I feel. Possibly felt one or two tiny kicks or movements but not 100% sure.
Food cravings: It changes almost daily, but for the last week or so i have eaten a bowl of rainbow sherbet almost every night.
Symptoms: So congested! I have a bit of a cold with a cough and every time i have a coughing fit, there is a good chance i need to find the nearest bathroom. Along with the congestion is the chapped lips from sleeping with my mouth open for air (gross, I hate mouth breathing).
Anything making me nauseous or sick: The aforementioned coughing fits, along with any conversation regarding food past its prime or people dipping their fried chicken in a chocolate fountain (thanks Alisha). Also found out yesterday if the dog gets sick where I can witness it, I also find myself gagging.
Labor signs: Nope
Temperament: I thought I was controlling these hormones rather well until my husband asked my son, "do you know whats crazy?" He replied "moms hormones". Nothing like a 7 year old keeping you in check!

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