Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 33

     So, hello everyone. These last two weeks have been fun. Last Sunday was the first in the weekly Ultimate Frisbee games. Nathan and Drake had a blast! Kinsley and I sat on the sidelines on a blanket eating lunch and generally hanging out. That is until she saw her daddy running up and down the field. This was a problem for her because she does not like uneven terrain, at all, so she would not leave the blanket. Well after about 20 minutes she decided her love of her daddy was bigger than her fear of the grass. Next thing you know mommy is chasing Kinsley up and down the field (sometimes in the middle of the action). Got the greatest picture of her as we were headed to the car after 2 hours of running!

     Looks like she is taking a victory lap.

     This week was filled with taking Kinsley to and from school, getting Drake to and from the bus stop, and a doctors visit for myself and Kam! The doctors visit went surprisingly well. It was the first visit I did not have Kinsley in tow so it was a quiet visit to boot! We went ahead and scheduled the date for the c-section. Its June 3rd. Since my last two little ones were born at 37 weeks gestation, there is a good chance Kam will still be an emergency c-section. Basically he can be here anytime between 4 and 6 weeks!! Holy cow... where did the time go?
     Anyways, Saturday was pretty standard, just food shopping and church. The real fun came today, Sunday Funday! Today started with Fuse, which is always a good time. Then we raced home and literally inhaled our lunch, and back in the car we go for another round of Ultimate Frisbee. Kinsley ran up and down the field and also ran on the track. The boys had a great time. Made some awesome plays! After an hour and a half both Kinsley and I were beat! So off to the car we trudged. Within 20 minutes Kinsley was sleeping in the carseat and I was relaxing. I'm pretty sure I messed with my sciatic nerve chasing this little girl. Finally enough was enough and I called out to my husband that we were leaving. He promptly yelled "Ok, come on Drake, Mom says its time to go." Then the other guys that were playing were yelling at him about how they needed him for one more game to which he replied, "Sorry, Mom says I have to go home..." Once we were all piled up in the car Daddy and I decided to treat the family to frogurt. It was delicious! Now we are finally back at home for roughly an hour then out the door we go for Nathans bowling league championships and pizza party! Not much rest for this family but we wouldn't have it any other way! Now on to the baby update....

How far along: 33 weeks, or officially 8 months.
Total weight gain: 32 lbs. Oh well, I am no longer mad about the weight gain. After all, I gained a total of 36 with Drake.
Maternity clothes: Pretty much the same deal.
Stretch marks: Glad to relay, none whatsoever!
Sleep: Still broken but when I'm out, I'm out! Apparently a large mirror fell off of the wall in the middle of the night and I heard nothing!
Best moment: Finally getting the crib and bassinet set up for Kamden. So exciting to get out all the baby stuff!
Movement: Not as much as before, Kam is slowing down. I think he is running out of womb! Now it is more rolling and poking than kicking and punching.
Food cravings: Nothing imparticular, just food. Lots and lots of food! I always seem to want to eat but its small quantities. 
Symptoms: Pretty quiet in symptomville. Although if i can hear someone chewing with their mouth open, I get a little nauseous.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: Just the open mouth eating, oh and bad smells. Man do they do me in!
Temperament: Good ole me! Only tired from chasing Kinsley all the time.

     Well I have got to get this published and then we are off (again). I think we are only visiting the dog at this point! See y'all later!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

31 Weeks

How far along: 31 weeks
Total weight gain: Umm 29lbs. In my defense I only gained 3lbs between Doctor visits which is right on
Maternity clothes: Still in either maternity pants or jammies. I also made two skirts which can be either maternity or non maternity :)
Stretch marks: No. Yea!
Sleep: Broken as always. Guess its God's way of preparing me for the broken sleep I will have in a few short weeks. Although in all fairness, being completely rested seems a better plan than being tired right out of the gate.
Best moment: Realizing that given my history of delivering at 37 weeks, there is a very good possibility that in just 6 short weeks, Mr. Kamden will be making his debut! Wow, this pregnancy has gone by lightening quick. Better get busy on getting everything together for him.
Movement: Practically nonstop. This kid is ridiculous! Even as I am typing this, he is kicking the part of the laptop resting on my belly.
Food cravings: These last few weeks I have been craving liquid like non other. I feel like a fish. Just about everything is fair game. As for food, the Whiskey River BBQ burger at Red Robin. It's stupid good!
Symptoms: Incredible pain where the top of my belly and the bottom of my bra collide. Talk about constant pain. It feels as though I have a bruise and constantly being pushed on.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: Stupid orange juice. I love juice in general but I have to read ingredients because if an orange even looked at the bottle I'm getting sick.
Temperament: Feeling good, outside of the sleep deprivation and upper belly pain. I will miss it (barely) when its over.

     This last Doctors visit was ok, glad I gained only 3lbs. from now on I should only gain 1 pound per week. They were looking over my chart and decided I should probably get a Tdap shot so Kam will have my antibodies in his system when he was born. I am all for taking any and all pain so my little ones don't have to, so I got shot in the arm. What they neglected to tell me was for the next 4 days my arm would be basically useless and in quite a bit of pain if I raised it or laid on it. Another wonderful contributing factor to my not so restful nights. Oh well, one less shot for Kam right?
     Well goodnight y'all I'm tired and figure if i go to sleep now, I should manage a few hours of good sleep and a few of crap sleep... yea....

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 28

How far along: 28 weeks along :)
Total weight gain: Yeah, not even going there.... Stupid scales. They need to be murdered slowly and violently!
Maternity clothes: Only change is I am gravitating more towards maternity shirts when going out of the house but in the house its mostly either my husband's shirts or my daddy's!
Stretch marks: Nothing new to report (thankfully).
Sleep: Pretty much the same as last week only now its two of the three men in my life keeping me up. One thinks its a riot to practice kung fu at night and the other mistakes me for either a pillow or a lump in the mattress.
Best moment: As per the above photo, you can probably guess we went family bowling! Good times, good times. I bowled between 120 and 128. Woo hoo! 
Movement: And how! This little guy is going to keep me on my toes when he comes out. Kam is a mover and a shaker. Every time they try to get a heartbeat on him, he kicks them at least 2 or 3 times. The nurses' eyes always get very large and give me "that look". The one that says "man you are going to be busy".
Food craving: Last week it was chocolate, this week its mexican food. Especially burritos... mmmm.... Taco Samich.
Symptoms: Mainly the backache but now headaches are almost daily.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: I love my tea but if I drink it too fast, I feel a little nauseous. It passes quickly though.
Temperament: Its just me. Only with a little less energy and a bit slower.

       Oh, I forgot to mention the fact that this last week, I had my check-up and glucose test. Found out I failed it, which is fairly common. Or so I've been told. Now I get to fast and do a three hour glucose test. So excited... NOT! At least I will have ample reading time! 
       Well I need to publish this little diddy for my Daddy :)  It makes him happy! Good night y'all!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 27

Welcome not only to week 27 but also to month 7 as well as the third trimester!! I have been lax in my updating but in my defense I have been busy. Kinsley has been successfully switched from in home therapy to preschool. She starts Tuesday. We visited the classroom and she enjoyed it. I was the sad one thinking "my little buddy is leaving me...". She will do so well there! On Monday I have to get Drake off to school, get myself and Kinsley dressed and ready and out the door for not only my prenatal visit but also the glucose test :( After the appointment I need to pick up Drake from school and head over to their pediatricians office. Both kiddos need checkups. And all of this before 12! See, like I said, busy life!

How far along: 27 weeks or 7 months.... wow!
Total weight gain: Unsure, still avoiding the dreaded scale... Those are torture devises! I know, I know, I am growing a person, weight gain is good. Well, after the delivery of this 6-9 lb little man, I still have to work off this extra wight!
Maternity clothes: Same.
Stretch marks: No change
Sleep: Oh sleep, how I have missed you! I am constantly waking up all night long. Usually because I am either flat on my back and paranoid of lack of blood flow. Or on my side which makes my ribs hurt so badly. Especially my breast bone. It almost feels like it is on fire...
Best moment: Last Sunday I was doing my makeup for church when Drake walks up behind me and states very plainly "Kam is getting bigger." I asked him how he could tell, and he replied "Because you are getting bigger!" Oh the honesty!
Movement: Oh my goodness. Last night my husband was resting part of his face on my belly and Kam kicked him twice! This little one moves so much you can literally just watch my stomach moving. A few days ago I was lying perfectly still in my bathtub but Kam was moving and kicking so much my water was splashing around the tub!
Food craving: Still chocolate!!! I love chocolate right now, brownies, cake, cookies, anything chocolate. Preferably dark chocolate but I won't pass up milk chocolate right now.
Symptoms: Still the backache. As long as I sit up straight, its not too bad.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: Nope... just orange juice.
Temperament: As a whole its just me. I have noticed my irritation fuse is shorter right now. As long as I am happy, the rest of the house is happy!

 Well I'm outta here, there is chocolate cake in the kitchen calling my name!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 24

How far along: I can hardly believe it, already at 24 weeks!
Total weight gain: Unfortunately when I went to the (new) doctor on Monday, I had to face the enemy... the scale. Well this evil little device informed me I have gained a total of twenty ponds. I had to spell it out because I can't face the numbers! This freaks me out, I have never gained this much, this fast.  Man o man does this worry me!  Now I am thinking about doing some stretching as well as light exercise.  Nobody thinks a chubby pregnant lady is cute!!
Maternity clothes: Same as last time, full on maternity pants but shirts are still mix and match.
Stretch marks: Just the ones I have been carrying around for the last seven years.
Sleep: Getting better. Until last night, we have a mattress pad warmer on our bed. Last night I was cold so my loving husband turned my side of the heater up just a little. It was so toasty until about 2 am. I kept waking up, over and over and over. I had this unshakable feeling I was just too hot. I would fall back asleep and dream about heat, being too hot, fire etc... So this morning when I woke up (again) for the day, I promptly turned the heat down and kindly asked my husband not to turn up the heat again, no matter how cold I look.
Best moment: This week my son finally got to feel his little brother move. He was so excited. He felt about three rather large kicks and took off yelling "Dad! Dad! I felt Kamden kick about 13,000 times, it was awesome!!
Movement: Ever heard of the song "Everybody was kung fu fighting"? Well I am fairly certain I am carrying a ninja or quite possibly the next Chuck Norris. I can just be sitting and get this big smile on my face. That is usually when I lean over and inform my husband that I had just been physically assaulted. He just starts laughing and other people look at us like we are crazy.  Oh, also when I went to the doctor, they checked the little guy's heart beat with the doppler. I told the nurse that he was already up and going this morning and about where he was hanging out. Well she put the doppler on my stomache and withing a 20 second time span, not only did she get the heartbeat, she also got kicked twice!
Food cravings: Chocolate! Chocolate cookies with chocolate chips and dark chocolate M&M's. Dark chocolate brownies! I could go on and on...
Symptoms: Backache! Mainly upper back but also my lower spine where my right hip attaches is giving me trouble. I told the doctor about this pain. Telling her it literally feels like the bone keeps popping out of place every time I shift my weight from one foot to the other. I thought it might be because of the loosening of the ligaments and she agreed. Her medical advice was "move slowly". That cracked myself and my husband up when I told him.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: Not at the moment. Give me about five minutes.
Labor signs: Nope.
Temperament: Feeling good! Just loving this part of the pregnancy.

Well, I am tired so I am going to have one of my ridiculously chocolate cookies with a cold glass of milk and go to sleep in my not too hot bed! Night y'all!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 23

How far along: 23 weeks. Or as I like to point out, 6 months today!!
Total weight gain: I weighed myself a few days ago and was about 164 which means I have gained about three pounds since last appointment. Not bad considering I am supposed to gain around a pound a week.
Maternity clothes: Oh yes, that is what I do. It is still mix and match with the shirts though.
Stretch marks: Not at all.
Sleep: Kind of horrible honestly. when I sleep on my side, like I am supposed to, it feels like my clavicle is going to break! So I have to do this weird" half sleeping on my chest, half sleeping on my hip, but making sure not to squish the belly" dance every time I want to fall back asleep.
Movement: I am so used to his little kicks now. Usually a few in the morning, a little more whenever I eat, but the real fun comes at night after dinner! That is when he is ridiculously active.
Food cravings: Nothing specific but I am finding myself a little hungry all the time. I just graze throughout the day.
Symptoms: The congestion is finally letting up! Yea for that! but now my upper back is achy all the time. I love my heating pad. The other newer development is the fact that my right hip is constantly popping whenever i shift my weight from one foot to the other. Sometimes it stays in that pain area for a few minutes and it is very difficult to move at all. I have my Doctors appointment tomorrow with a new Doctor and I will bring it up with her. If memory serves, I had the same trouble while pregnant with Kinsley. It is probably just my ligaments loosening up.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: Not that I have noticed.
Labor signs: All quiet on the womb front!
Temperament: Just the regular me again!

That be all she wrote for now! if i find out anything terribly exciting tomorrow I will do a quick update, but other than that, talk to y'all next week and God Bless!

Monday, January 28, 2013

21 Weeks

21 Weeks!

It's a boy!!!

How far along: 21 weeks.  Man, I am so slacking on this. I will do better, I promise!
Total weight gain: Ummm.... not sure, I hate the scale! The last doctors appointment I went to said i was up to 161. But in my defense, i was still wearing my skater shoes and a sweatshirt, and the sun was in my eyes, and I'm pretty sure gravity was heavier that day.....  So thus far started at 150 and then lost 3 pounds. According to that, I have gained a total of 14 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Still living in maternity pants or jammie pants. Finally broke out the maternity shirts. I only wear a few of them because at this point most of them look ridiculously large on me. Besides, by the end of this ride I'm on, I will be sick of the same few shirts.
Stretch marks: nope
Sleep: I can still sleep like the dead but now I get up once between 4 and 6 because my bladder is literally about to explode! Thankfully I fall right back to sleep afterwards. Oh, I also love my body pillow, so much that when I wake up and I am lying flat on my back (not the best position for blood flow, I know) my pillow is lying right on top of me!
Best moment: By far its finding out the gender! My husband was so excited about the boys now outnumbering the girls. I count the dog so now we are even!
Movement: Feeling the little guy moving every day, especially when I'm relaxing or when my waistband is just a little too tight.
Food craving: No real cravings.... Well, that's not completely true. Fresh fruit. Like honeydew, cantaloupe and pineapple. I looked at the precut containers and almost cried because the price was too high for a onetime snack. Thankfully the whole melons were on sale so I got them even cheaper for more fruit. Woo Hoo!
Symptoms: Still congested but getting better. I find that I need to sit more frequently and get over heated quite easily. Therefore it is not uncommon for me to drag one of the kitchen chairs into the kitchen. There I am, sitting on a chair in front of the stove just cooking away.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: Not really. 
Labor signs: Not a one.
Temperament: Finally back to being just plain old me again. Feels so good to be me again. Every now and then I will get overly sad if I think I can't have something food related....

Tada! That's it for now. I will be back on Sunday with a fresh update.

Have a blessed week everyone!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

 Week 18

How far along: 18 weeks, I know, I know, I missed a week. Thanks for the reminder(s) Dad! I will do my best not to forget again.
Total weight gain: Up to 8 pounds now. I must admit i glared at the scale.
Maternity clothes: My bottom half lives in either maternity jeans or pajama pants. Top half is only in regular tops. Not quite big enough for a maternity top, they just look ridiculous on me right now.
Stretch marks: Nope, but we did start using the lotion on the tummy just in case.
Sleep: Like the dead! I am sure it has to do with my beloved body pillow. When it came out my Husband walked in our room, looked at me snuggled up on the pillow, and glared at it a little. 
Best moment: This week marks the beginning of the 5th month! I have literally been counting down the days weeks.
Movement: The first official kick occurred December 22nd. We were at church waiting on the first of four Christmas Eve services to begin when I felt it. A full on kick! Now my Husband is not so patiently waiting for his turn to feel the little one make his or her move for him.
Food craving: My Dad will enjoy this, a few days ago I had a massive craving for Roma tomatoes with salt. Oh my goodness it was good. I ate 2 and a half of those beauties. It was all we had in the house. Glad we didn't have more because I am allergic to foods with too much acidity.
Symptoms: Still with the congestion, drives me batty! Every stinkin morning, uggh....
Anything making me nauseous or sick: My Flintstones iron chew-ables... it might be all in my mind (If you know me you know how I loathe taking medicine, especially if I have to chew it or if it is a liquid). Anyways a few days ago I ate a banana, took my prenatal and the chew-able  and washed it down with some fresh iced tea. About 30 minutes later i was in the bathroom revisiting breakfast only to hear the little girl I watch inform me there was someone knocking at the door! Yeah, no time to brush the teeth before having to talk to someone..... my favorite.
Labor signs: Nothing so far.
Temperament: Still a little moody. Mainly irritable over trivial things. Kind of like being overtired all the time.

Well that's whats going on this week. Oh and by the way, we have our ultrasound scheduled for this Saturday! Please pray for a very cooperative baby, we want to know for sure with this one! 

Have a blessed week y'all!