Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 27

Welcome not only to week 27 but also to month 7 as well as the third trimester!! I have been lax in my updating but in my defense I have been busy. Kinsley has been successfully switched from in home therapy to preschool. She starts Tuesday. We visited the classroom and she enjoyed it. I was the sad one thinking "my little buddy is leaving me...". She will do so well there! On Monday I have to get Drake off to school, get myself and Kinsley dressed and ready and out the door for not only my prenatal visit but also the glucose test :( After the appointment I need to pick up Drake from school and head over to their pediatricians office. Both kiddos need checkups. And all of this before 12! See, like I said, busy life!

How far along: 27 weeks or 7 months.... wow!
Total weight gain: Unsure, still avoiding the dreaded scale... Those are torture devises! I know, I know, I am growing a person, weight gain is good. Well, after the delivery of this 6-9 lb little man, I still have to work off this extra wight!
Maternity clothes: Same.
Stretch marks: No change
Sleep: Oh sleep, how I have missed you! I am constantly waking up all night long. Usually because I am either flat on my back and paranoid of lack of blood flow. Or on my side which makes my ribs hurt so badly. Especially my breast bone. It almost feels like it is on fire...
Best moment: Last Sunday I was doing my makeup for church when Drake walks up behind me and states very plainly "Kam is getting bigger." I asked him how he could tell, and he replied "Because you are getting bigger!" Oh the honesty!
Movement: Oh my goodness. Last night my husband was resting part of his face on my belly and Kam kicked him twice! This little one moves so much you can literally just watch my stomach moving. A few days ago I was lying perfectly still in my bathtub but Kam was moving and kicking so much my water was splashing around the tub!
Food craving: Still chocolate!!! I love chocolate right now, brownies, cake, cookies, anything chocolate. Preferably dark chocolate but I won't pass up milk chocolate right now.
Symptoms: Still the backache. As long as I sit up straight, its not too bad.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: Nope... just orange juice.
Temperament: As a whole its just me. I have noticed my irritation fuse is shorter right now. As long as I am happy, the rest of the house is happy!

 Well I'm outta here, there is chocolate cake in the kitchen calling my name!!

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