Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 28

How far along: 28 weeks along :)
Total weight gain: Yeah, not even going there.... Stupid scales. They need to be murdered slowly and violently!
Maternity clothes: Only change is I am gravitating more towards maternity shirts when going out of the house but in the house its mostly either my husband's shirts or my daddy's!
Stretch marks: Nothing new to report (thankfully).
Sleep: Pretty much the same as last week only now its two of the three men in my life keeping me up. One thinks its a riot to practice kung fu at night and the other mistakes me for either a pillow or a lump in the mattress.
Best moment: As per the above photo, you can probably guess we went family bowling! Good times, good times. I bowled between 120 and 128. Woo hoo! 
Movement: And how! This little guy is going to keep me on my toes when he comes out. Kam is a mover and a shaker. Every time they try to get a heartbeat on him, he kicks them at least 2 or 3 times. The nurses' eyes always get very large and give me "that look". The one that says "man you are going to be busy".
Food craving: Last week it was chocolate, this week its mexican food. Especially burritos... mmmm.... Taco Samich.
Symptoms: Mainly the backache but now headaches are almost daily.
Anything making me nauseous or sick: I love my tea but if I drink it too fast, I feel a little nauseous. It passes quickly though.
Temperament: Its just me. Only with a little less energy and a bit slower.

       Oh, I forgot to mention the fact that this last week, I had my check-up and glucose test. Found out I failed it, which is fairly common. Or so I've been told. Now I get to fast and do a three hour glucose test. So excited... NOT! At least I will have ample reading time! 
       Well I need to publish this little diddy for my Daddy :)  It makes him happy! Good night y'all!


  1. I think kamden will be 8lb 10 oz and 22" long there you have my prediction now update your blog

  2. We are patiently still waitin on an update

  3. Now you have both of us waiting.......

  4. Waitin waitin waitin patiently waitin

  5. Waitin waitin waitin oh where oh where has our update gone oh where oh where can it be

  6. Oh where oh where has our blogging daughter gone? She's gone to Pittsburgh
    No more blogs to be done
    She's preggers so I'll give her a break
    but my child needs a blog up date
    So make us happy
    Blog very soon
    An make your Mama n Papa happy.
    Love mama

  7. Oh now I see
    There's no pics for me
    You told mama you would post
    but I guess that was just to bost
    Now I'll have to wait n wait
    until my daughter gives me UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love mama

  8. Here we are waiting no post to be found i hear we misplaced the camera oh where can it be maybe Kinsley and drake have hid it in a tree so i guess till we find it this blogging must wait oh how I hope we soon get an update!!!!!!!!!

  9. Well i see that our page it still looks the same i'm starting to wonder who is to blame first it was mom and then maybe dad who ever it is its really to bad cause without any info it really makes us sad so i guess all we can do is wait and hopefully someday we'll get an update
